
Torn Buffalo Mozzarella with Tomato & Fresh Basil


15 mins
4 - 6
  • 250g of buffalo mozzarella
  • 3 medium truss tomatoes
  • 200g of mixed tomatoes
    (grape, yellow, black)
  • A small bunch of fresh basil
  • Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly cracked pepper 


  1. Slice the medium truss tomatoes and place them on a serving plate.
  2. Next, chop the small mixed tomatoes in half (I like to mix it up length ways and across ways) and add them around the medium tomatoes.
  3. Tear up the lovely buffalo mozzarella and place it over the tomatoes.
  4. Pick the basil leaves off their stems and scatter them over the tomatoes and mozzarella.
  5. Finally, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper.
  6. Serve with crusty bread or some crackers (also perfect served as a side dish or side salad). 

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